Indufarm N.V. pays a lot of attention to the orders. If you have any doubts about whether you have received the right product, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you order via the website, please feel free to contact us via the chat at the bottom right. Through this chat function, we answer your questions while you order and guide you through the entire ordering process.
If it should be the case that the order you placed does not meet expectations, or if you are not completely satisfied or the product is broken or damaged, please contact Indufarm N.V. within 7 days of delivery.
If packaging not supplied by Indufarm N.V. is returned, an administrative cost of €125 (excl. VAT) will be charged per collection.
These conditions are important for the safety of our drivers and employees. If these conditions are not met, we will be forced to charge €125 (excl. VAT).