Bolidays Control, 12 boluses

Bolidays Control, 12 boluses

Bolidays control is the solution against milk fever for highly productive dairy cattle.

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Bolidays control is the solution against milk fever for highly productive dairy cattle.

Bolidays control include:

  • Carnitine = contribues to a reduction in the production of ketone bodies
  • Choline = reduces fat accumulation in the liver
  • Methionine = carnitine and choline precursor

Which are evenly released daily for 10 days thanks to the carnauba wax coating.

Why Carnitine, Choline and Methionine?

Around calving, every cow is in a state of negative energy balance (NEB), or in other words: the energy demand >>> the energy intake.

As a counter-reaction, the cow will release fats (= triglycerides) from the adipose tissue. These will reach the liver via the blood in the form of NEFAs (= non-esterified fatty acids). The NEFAs that we can detect in the blood and which are a necessary source of energy at the start of lactation, are actually a measure of the NEB present in the cow at that time.

Unfortunately, this natural process can quickly lead to lingering milk fever if the liver does not get this demand for energy and the associated production of ketone bodies under control. And this is precisely where the high carnitine, choline and methionine content of the Bolidays Control offers your dairy cow a very strong support, because:

  • Carnitine is necessary for the controlled conversion of NEFAs to ketone bodies which in turn are used as an energy source in the liver cells and are no longer released into the bloodstream. Extra carnitine accelerates much-needed energy production at the start of lactation.
  • Choline is necessary for the transformation of the NEFAs in the liver into VLDL (= very small fat bodies) that can be very easily transported from the liver to the udder tissue. This prevents fatty liver disease.
  • Methionine is used in the liver as a building block for its own production of choline. 70% of the body's scholine comes from methionine and not from the feed. In addition, methionine can support an extra demand for carnitine in case of energy shortages. This makes methionine a perfect supplement for the carnitine and choline already present in this bolus.

Bolidays Control is a slow release bolus that ensures the daily supply of these elements in the intestine Whitehout saturation.

Dosage: Give 1 dose (2 boluses) around calving, i.e. on the first day of lactation.

Packaging: 6 doses (6 X 2 controlled slow release boluses)

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