Pest control: why it's best to prepare now

Pest control: why it's best to prepare now

Pest control: why it's best to prepare now

Within the dynamic world of professional animal husbandry, it is crucial to constantly think ahead and develop strategies that optimise the health and productivity of our animals. One of the most important aspects that should not be overlooked is pest control. To get ahead of the storm and face the continuous threat of pests, we show below why it is essential to purchase pest control products now.

Protection of animal health

A healthy livestock is the cornerstone of a successful livestock operation. Pests such as mice or brown and black rats can cause serious health problems in animals. The timely implementation of effective pest control helps ensure the health and welfare of your animals.

In any case, the visible absence of rats does not mean that there is no population. Their noticeable presence has a lot to do with how much food they find, where they find it and a host of other factors.

Optimal productivity

Pests can not only harm your animals' health, but also negatively affect their productivity. Animals constantly plagued by itching and irritation will eat less and exhibit restless behaviour, ultimately resulting in reduced growth or milk production on dairy farms to name a few.

By proactively applying pest control measures, you will create an environment where your animals are comfortable and can reach their full production potential.

Long-term cost savings

While the initial cost of pest control products may seem daunting, it is important to consider the long-term benefits. Preventing a serious pest infestation can significantly help reduce medical costs for your animals.

You will also avoid revenue losses due to reduced productivity and animals that do not meet expected standards.

Maintaining reputation

In the modern agricultural sector, reputation is invaluable. Customers attach increasing importance to the origin and quality of animal products. A livestock free of pests and looking healthy contributes to a positive perception.

The continuous use of pest control products underlines your commitment to animal welfare and therefore contributes to a strong corporate reputation.


As a professional livestock farmer, putting off pest control is no longer an option. The benefits of proactively tackling pests are compelling and varied, from protecting animal health to maintaining a positive farm reputation. Thinking ahead and optimising your business opportunities in the modern agricultural sector is what we are all about!

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