Tiger Mosquitoes: take the right measures against this new threat

Tiger Mosquitoes: take the right measures against this new threat

The tiger mosquito: Take the right measures against this new threat

The tiger mosquito is increasingly present in Belgium. As a livestock farmer, it is important to remain alert and take steps to prevent the spread on your farm. Avoiding stagnant water around your farm is a simple but effective measure.

Why take action?

Tiger mosquitoes are increasingly being observed in our region. In addition, many farmers are already reporting their observations of this tropical insect to experts such as Sciensano and the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM). Avoiding stagnant water and reporting mosquitoes helps protect everyone.

Protect yourself and your animals

At Indufarm, we offer a solution with Insect Free that protects both you and your animals against mosquitoes, horseflies and other insects. With Icaridine as the active ingredient, it offers 24-hour protection without the harmful effects of DEET. The odourless and skin-friendly formula is available in handy sprays and roll-ons.

Join other farmers

Many of your colleagues already rely on Insect Free for their businesses. With different packaging sizes, there is always a suitable solution for you. Order today and protect your business easily and effectively. 

Want to know more?

Visit our website for more information and feel free to ask our team for advice. Together we ensure optimal protection against the tiger mosquito!


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