Aquabac 200G, 18,2 kg

Aquabac 200G, 18,2 kg

AQUABAC® 200G is a biological insecticide based on bacillus, especially intended for the control of mosquito larvae.

Available on: 31-03-2025
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AQUABAC® 200G is a biological insecticide based on bacillus, especially intended for the control of mosquito larvae. For professional use only. AQUABAC® 200G is ready for use and is dosed at 15 kg/ha, to be applied directly to the water feature to be treated, where the presence of mosquito larvae has been detected.

To be used on larval breeding grounds, wherever there is stagnant water, on large water features (inundation zones, lakes, ponds, swamps, etc.), on small water features (in collection basins, swimming pools, canals, septic tanks, etc.). In rural and urban areas.

Target group: Mosquitoes from the Culex and Aedes families.

Active substance:

  • Bacillus Thuringiensis subspecies israelensis (Bti), Serotype H-14 (strain BMP-144 equivalent to strain AM65-52): 2.86%
  • Titer (concentration): 200 UTI / mg
  • Excipients: QSP 100%

Autorisation number: BE2018-0022.

Where to use?

On larval breeding grounds, wherever there is stagnant water, on large water features (inundation zones, lakes, ponds, swamps, etc.), on small water features (in collection basins, swimming pools, canals, septic tanks, etc.). In rural and urban areas.


AQUABAC® 200G is applied in the following way:

  • Spreading manually from the ground (for small areas) or Whiteh the aid of a spreader or other calibrated spreader.
  • Ground handling Whiteh a motorized vehicle (medium and large areas), using a calibrated grain spreader.
  • Treatment from the air (large areas), generally by helicopter, but also by plane, equipped Whiteh a calibrated fertilizer spreader and at a dose of 15 KGgranules AQUABAC® 200G per hectare.

Duration of action:

AQUABAC® 200G works on all larval stages immediately after ingestion of the product. The substance is gradually distributed in the water so that it remains effective for up to 4 weeks after application.

Frequency of application:

The number of treatments varies according to the water level (precipitation, artificial topping up). No more than 8 treatments per year and an interval of 5 days between each treatment.

Precautionary measures:

  • Consult the AQUABAC® 200G safety data sheet before each use and read the enclosed instructions.
  • Use protective clothing and wash after each application.
  • Wear protective gloves during transport, spreading and handling of the material for the application.
  • Rinse the tank and sprinkler system Whiteh water after each treatment.
  • Remove all product surpluses
  • When scattering from the air, a distance of 50 meters from the surrounding houses must be respected.
  • The ideal height for aerial treatment is between 2 and 5 meters, also taking into account obstacles and the geomorphology of the field.
  • Avoid application in agricultural area at the time of harvesting.
  • Contains Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis, a microorganism that can cause hypersensitivity.

Safety recommendations:

  • Keep AQUABAC® 200G out of the reach of children.
  • Store AQUABAC® 200G in the original packaging, in a cool and dry place, at a temperature below 30 ° C and in the dark.
  • Do not use after the expiration date.
  • Do not reuse the empty packaging.
  • In the event of copious inhalation, take the person into the open air and allow to rest.
  • In case of accidental contact Whiteh eyes or skin, rinse abundantly Whiteh soft water. If allergic symptoms, redness or discomfort occur, consult a physician and show him the label.

Packaging: Polyamide bag 18.2 kg.

This product is a biocide classified in the closed circuit. Use biocides safely. Before use, read the label and product information.

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